According to her, when you "work a pattern with lace forming stitches on both sides" what you produce is "knitted lace." However, when you knit a pattern where the lace stitches are only on the right side (thus the wrong side has all purl or knit stitches) this is called "lace knitting."
Now, the odd thing about this is that the terms she is comparing are different parts of speech. One is a noun (the thing you produce- "knitted lace") and the other is a verb (this thing you are doing - "knitting lace").
Note: I've been rather out of the loop this summer as to what is going on in the internet knitting communities (I can't even remember the last time I checked my bloglines or the various knitting LJ communities - it might be more than a month for LJ) so I have no clue if there are discussions going on about this distinction.
I understand the difference between what is being produced, and honestly, if anyone is
But, what I'm wondering is if anyone had ever heard of this distinction before? Any sources? I'm aware of the technical differences between fulling and felting (which doesn't mean I actually follow the "correct" usage), but this is a new one for me.